As questions come up frequently throughout our site we'll try to
collect the answers here for your quick reference.
Where do I look for
technical Help?
Where can I get hints and
other information?
Where can I find answers about Chapter updates?
Did someone say FREE?
What do I actually get when I buy the
What kind of quality can a downloaded game
What is an Episodic Computer Game Novel?
I have to play all 6 Chapters of Siege?
What Chapters CAN I play?
I have to play the Chapters in a certain order?
you expect me to pay 5 times to play all of Siege?
if I didn't get the first Chapters of Siege right away?
When is each Chapter of Siege available?
How big are the Chapters of Siege?
Is Siege Multi-Player?
all Digital Tome games going to be like Siege?
KIND of RPG is Siege?
Q: What do
I actually get when I buy the Subscription?
A: Download Subscriptions are no
longer offered. See our Order page
for information on buying the Anthology CD.
Q: What
kind of quality can a downloaded game have?
A: We believe that our
total package is a big innovation in the quality, value, and
real enjoyment possible from games available by download. This is NOT just
another cheap little download like the many thousands of games available
elsewhere, this is an extremely unique project. We set out
to offer all the fun and reward of a large and rich retail
CD game environment in a carefully optimized form tuned for online
distribution through today's faster connections . The entire 6-Chapter game anthology is also available
on CD from HERE. You can also see
a "movie trailer" preview of the game HERE.
Most of the bulky size of
current CD games tends to be used for large (and expensive) non-essential
content, like movie (cinematic) sequences, which we found as players that
we tended to watch once then automatically hit "escape" to skip
over every subsequent time we ran the game. Hours of download for moments
of one-time viewing curiosity seemed an obvious tradeoff for our system.
This set the priority for our whole philosophy, "focus on the
actual play value, not Hollywood glitz or empty eye-candy."
We believe that we have
achieved our goals rather well with Siege of Avalon. A number of
reviewers have measured Siege against some of the bigger and more
successful retail CD games, and said that this title stacks up quite
nicely by even those comparisons. When you have spent many hours playing
just the free
Chapter 1 of Siege and you find yourself getting progressively more
involved with the unique and layered story, then we hope you'll agree that
we have accomplished something fairly special and worthy of playing
through to the grand finale in Chapter 6. Once you complete Siege of
Avalon you may find yourself anxious to see the release of the
sequel, Pillars of Avalon.
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Q: What is
an Episodic Computer Game Novel?
A: Here is that answer in
3 parts:
The best way to fully
understand it is to try it. The first Chapter is available free. Grab it and give
it a test drive.
Sande has an article for
the e-zine that explores this question
in some detail, and is an easier read than anything I can offer.
- There are 2 radio interviews with Digital
Tome's founders that you can listen to here:
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Q: Do
I have to play all 6 Chapters of Siege?
A: No. Siege has 3
"Key" chapters that tell the main story and solve the big
quests. These are Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and the Grand Finale
Chapter 6. The other 3 chapters are "Expansions"
that allow you to delve even further into the lore, land, local flavors,
and adventure (ran out of "L" words).
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Q: What Chapters CAN I
A: All of them. You are not
restricted by your Character Class, or any other selection. The
"Expansion" Chapters are enhanced for their relative class focus
(Chapter 3 = Fighter, Chapter 4 = Scout, Chapter 5 = Mage), but any player
can successfully complete any of these Chapters. It will be easier
to complete an expansion Chapter if you play it in a style consistent with
its focus; for example, if a Fighter player enters the Mage Chapter then
you really should teach your fighter at least some defensive magic to make
combat more balanced. Since the Character Class is not a strict
limitation in Siege, you can create any hybrid of skills and capabilities
you desire; thus allowing you to face all the environments and challenges
of Avalon successfully with a highly unique and customized player
character. Character Class will mostly limit certain quests and
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Q: Do
I have to play the Chapters in a certain order?
A: Yes, and no. You need
to complete Chapter 1 to start Chapter 2. You need to complete Chapter 2
before playing any other chapters. You do not need to buy any or all of
the Expansion Chapters, but the ones you do buy you need to play in order.
You do need to complete all Expansion Chapters you have, if any, before
you start playing Chapter 6, so that the game can come to a finish
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Q: Do you
expect me to pay 5 times to play all of Siege?
A: Well, that would be
nice. With the new Anthology CD you get all 6 Chapters for one bargain price.
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Q: What
if I didn't get the first Chapters of Siege right away?
A: Not a problem. Just
grab the Anthology CD with all 6
Chapters and the whole saga awaits you.
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Q: When
is each Chapter of Siege available?
A: All 6 Chapters of Siege
of Avalon have been released and are available NOW in a single
Anthology CD from HERE.
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Q: How
big are the Chapters of Siege?
A: The free initial Chapter 1 is about
120 Megabyte. All the subsequent Chapters are usually about half that size
(final sizes vary with each Chapter). All 6 Chapters fit on a single CD in
the Anthology package.
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Q: Is
Siege Multi-Player?
A: No. We've focused on
giving the best individual play value ever found in a downloadable graphic
RPG, and saved a few major technical hurdles for the Pillars of Avalon
game now in development. Our Episodic Novels will support special
"peer-to-peer" gaming in the future, and are expected to handle
up to 4 players in a game through internet connections.
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Q: Are all
Digital Tome games going to be like Siege?
A: No. Siege of Avalon
and Pillars of Avalon are intentional works within the same
grand story. They are "labors of first love" as one of our
founder's is a CRPG aficionado of many years standing.
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Q: What
KIND of RPG is Siege?
A: "Traditional"
medieval fantasy RPG with real-time combat. The player is a young human
male (Gender selection will be provided in Pillars) who just
arrived on the scene at the culmination of a 12-year-long war. His skills
and specialized capabilities will evolve throughout the game as the player
decides, instead of being fixed by a "class" or "race"
selection at the start of the game. Siege is a single-player game, with
various Party members who can be added and dropped from the Party
throughout the game. The Player can "assume full control" of any
Party member at will.
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