An e-magazine about the Siege
of Avalon experience.
me welcome you to this 3rd incarnation of our Heart of Avalon
e-zine. We are now providing various articles and stories by you,
the players and fans of Siege of Avalon.
In 1999
we launched this eZine (even before we had a name for it), and we were
graced by the services of Sandy Chen who took some time away from her many
other professional and hobby writing venues to help us generate interest
and anticipation for the debut launch of Chapter 1.
the game was actually launched we switched this page to information about
the content and ongoing Chapter developments of the game itself.
that the game is completed we are opening the focus to include a broader
spectrum of related materials, with an eye on letting you the game players
share your various talents and visions with each other in a more
structured format than our Discussion Forum (which you really
should also visit).
We are anticipating fan
fiction stories mostly, but also welcome articles about any related
subject (like the history and realities of sieges, the weapons and tactics
of the period, life in a castle, whatever interests you). If you'd like to
contribute then please email
for further information and access to the editing team).
Fan Fiction
Prelude to the game, set in time before
Player arrives at Avalon
Additional events happening at the same time
as the game story
Epilog to the game, set in time after Player
defeats Mithras
General Articles
History and realities of castle life
Evolution, realities, and demise of siege
us, or see Copyright
and Privacy