What's hot about Siege
of Avalon?
Game Style
| System Requirements

Game Novels are about the immersion of a progressive story told over
time through an engaging interactive gaming environment. Each game
"Chapter" is a complete adventure full of story, quests,
challenges, and character development. However, when the Chapters are
combined they form a larger whole, a complete experience centered around
an evolving plot, like Chapters in a Novel.
2D Isometric system supports dynamic shadow casting, flickering
lighting, X-Ray vision through walls, true point-to-point projectiles
and spells, real-time CharacterLABâ„¢ rendering of an impressive number
of fully animated diverse sprites on the screen at the same time. Too
much "techno-speak" for you? Well, the screen shots can help,
but the free Chapter 1 of the game is
available for download and a little time with it will make all of this
clear... See the game screen shots in our Gallery. You can also
learn quite a bit at our FAQ.

Game Style
Siege of Avalon is a "traditional"
medieval fantasy RPG with real-time combat. The player is a young human
male who just arrived on the scene at the culmination of a
12-year-long war. His skills and specialized capabilities will evolve
throughout the game as the player decides, instead of being fixed by a
"class" or "race" selection at the start of the
game. Siege is a single-player game, with various Party members (as you
advance to later game Chapters) who can be added and dropped from the
Party throughout the game. The Player can "assume full
control" of any Party member at will. Learn more from our
Frequently Asked Questions section here.
System Requirements
designed the game engine to not require the most current "bleeding
edge" game/3D technology to run. Generally it will work on
reasonably current multi-media capable systems.
Windows 95/98/ME/XP
Pentium-II 450MHz is MINIMUM, P3-550
or better suggested
64 Meg system RAM minimum, 128 Meg or
more highly suggested
800 x 600 monitor and video card, with
16-bit (65,535) color and 4Meg Video Ram, AGP port suggested.
DirectX-8.1 compatible video and sound card.
Stereo sound card, mouse, etc...

Digital Tome's 2D Isometric game system benefits greatly
from the use of F.A.S.T. Project's Digital-F/X blitting library!
If you are a developer using sprites you need to check this out:

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